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Phone: 1-800-Total-Theme
Address: Las Vegas, Nevada

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Maintain and sustain a professional alumni association working for the welfare of its members and for the development and progress of the university.


Our vision is to foster and strengthen the community of alumni within the university in order to promote the success of the institution and the personal and professional development of its graduates.


  1. To assist in the protection of the interest, honors, standards, and properties of CSU;
  2. To support the university in the educational pursuit of the youth in Caraga Region and the country in general;
  3. To organize and implement programs and projects directed to achieve the university’s vision, mission, goals and objectives. 
  4. To help foster the rights of the Alumni of the University. 
  5. To encourage the formulation of policies and implementation of programs that help uplift the moral and socio-political awareness of each member;
  6. To organize and implement income-generating projects for the sufficiency of the association;
  7. To institutionalize linkages with other agencies for fund sourcing;
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