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CSUAAI Outreach Project 2023

The CSU Alumni Relations Office (ARO) took the extra mile to deliver their external services to far-flung schools in Butuan City.

In partnership with the CSU Alumni Association Inc. (CSUAAI) and College of Education Alumni Association, the ARO, led by director Dr. Maris T. Lasco, visited Tagkiling Tribal Integrated School in Barangay Anticala, May 3, 2023.

Around 30 students, including the Indigenous People, received school bags with school supplies and hygiene kits. The recipients also received food packs.

Tagkiling is just ARO’s first stop in their series of outreach initiatives. In November, ARO, CSUAAI and CEd Alumni will go farther in Sinaka Elementary School.

Present in the Wednesday program were the director of Alumni Relations Office (ARO) Dr. Maris T. Lasco, CSUAAI President and Member of the Board of Regents Hon. Michel B. Valdez, Mr. Junnel Lasco Alumnus from the College of Education, Mr. Jovanie Valdez, Alumnus from the College of Computing Information System, CSU personnel and students, Mr. Rodrigo Madelo Head Teach of Tagkiling Tribal Integrated School, and its faculty and staff.

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