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On May 21, 2022, the Caraga State University Alumni Association Inc. held its first-ever virtual general assembly at the Navigatu Center. Initiated and facilitated by the Alumni Relations Office and Public Information and Communication office with some alumni officers and two former alumni Board of Regents alumni representatives.

Earlier the Alumni Office Director requested the technical assistance of the College of Computing and Information Science (CCIS) through its dean and other CSU alumni employees for better and longer internet connectivity and hours-long use of the Zoom platform.

The members who attended comprising the majority decided to push through with the election as traditionally done by choosing fifteen individuals who got higher votes as CSUAAIโ€™s Board of Directors. CSUAAI holds its Alumni Homecoming every third Saturday of May.

Holding areas and different platforms were opened for the alumni to cast their votes. The elected fifteen people convened and voted among themselves as to who becomes the president, the vice president, and all the other member officers.

Entrepreneur, and businesswoman Michel B.  Valdez got the highest votes for CSUAAI Presidency. The following is the list of CSUAAI Officers for 2022-2024.

President:         Michel B. Valdez

Vice President: Junelito โ€œJongโ€ Salugsugan

Secretaries:       Ivy Dominique R. Low

                          Philip Donald Sanchez

PIO:                   Raphson Malaluan

Auditor:              Gerlee Manlubatan

Treasurers:        Sharon Reyes

                           Anamarie P. Sajonia

Board Members: Sonia R. Low, Joy Capistrano, Gerry Joey S. Laurito

Edgardo Ricardo B. Sajonia, Raf L. Lansangan, Jean Tado, Ryan F. Sarsale

This year, the CSUAAI Main campus President will sit as BOR alumni Representative for two years. PICO

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